Thursday, July 14, 2005

[Charlie] Patton, a comic book by R. Crumb, online

Read R. Crumb's 12-page comic on about Delta bluesman Charley Patton here. From the comic:

Charley Patton lived most of his life on the vast Dockery plantation in the bottomlands of the Mississippi Delta. He was a rambler, a shiftless no-good who lived of women and passed his time in total idleness.

He was also a great blues performer whose powerful effect on the blues and rock and roll is still felt today...the music he played and sang can in no way be described. It must be listened to.

Charley Patton - A Spoonful Blues (mp3), from the Internet Archive.

From the IA post for A Spoonful Blues:
This was recorded on June 14, 1929 in Richmond, Indiana. Dick Spottswood in "Screamin' and Hollerin' the Blues: The Worlds of Charley Patton" describes it as "[p]robably a cocaine song with ambiguous sexual overtones...."


thephoenixnyc said...

Thanks for another GREAT blues suggestion.


John said...

You're welcome...I love stumbling across stuff like this comic while I'm just doing a 5-minute brainstorming/websurf.