Thursday, October 07, 2004

Kinky Crustaceans

No, it's not an indie band name. It's seabed reality for lobsters. From a interview with Trevor Corson, author of The Secret Life of Lobsters: How Fishermen and Scientists Are Unraveling the Mysteries of Our Favorite Crustacean:
They also have this little interesting feature of their anatomy where they have a big bladder in their head and they piss out the front of their head. So they're constantly pissing in each other's faces. When a female wants to seduce a male, she comes by the door of his apartment and he sits inside and pisses out the door at her. If she likes the smell she comes by and sticks her head inside his apartment and pisses back at him.

Nice thoughts for the next time you dip your lobster tail in a dish of butter.

Maybe it's just the Irish lobsters that do this?

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