Monday, February 27, 2006

D & D on the WWW?

From Dungeon Masters in Cyberspace, in Monday's NY Times:

"There have been a lot of video games based on Dungeons & Dragons, but in the past they have been almost entirely solo, single-player experiences," Jeff Anderson, chief executive of the company that makes the online game, Turbine Inc., based in Westwood, Mass., said last week. "Now, with the Internet and advances in graphics, we can finally create an online version of that classic sitting-around-the-kitchen-table Dungeons & Dragons experience, without people having to actually go out."

Hmmm.....I just dunno. No crayoning in the 20-sided die? Having to hold a mouse and a keyboard the entire game? It's just not the same, and I'm sure the Lone Gunmen would agree.

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