Last night, the Arcade Fire summoned Thor and brought great thunder upon Letterman's studio audience with a rousing version of Rebellion (Lies). Here is a large video (avi) file and the mp3 to stir your blood.
Yes, I still heart the Arcade Fire. Even more than David Bowie does.
Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies), Live on Letterman 9-15-05: audio (mp3), video (avi)
i still don't hear what everyone else is hearing that's so great about this band
Shutup, ass
Keep listening, jd. Keep listening.
i'll be sure to canowine, but it's responses like the one from jere that give a certain pompous, holier than thou disposition to the fans of this band and to me that translates to the disposition of the band as well...that's what leads me astray
this just in: people get irritated when other people poo-poo their tastes.
jd - I wouldn't characterize Arcade Fire fans, as a whole, as pompous. Not all of us are among the snobbery.
airk - poo-pooing tastes is not as bad as poo-pooing a person. Unless you're into that kind of thing.
I'm an Arcade Fire fan and you've never heard me say or seen a word I've written about them that would give you any indication of what I feel about them and why. I don't see why what jere wrote would reflect on me as, theoretically, a fellow AF fan. I DEFINITELY don't see how it would reflect on the band. My point in saying all that, JD, is to say this:
Like what you like. Some people think the Decemberists are the greatest band since the Beatles. Someone writing for the Village Voice called Bloc Party "Suck Party" after their show in NYC. I just drove from DC to Philly to see them on my birthday and it was, for me, the show of the year thus far. Music, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I thoroughly enjoy AF, but I can also name ten or fifteen bands that are alive and well and not on hiatus right now that I like even more. But nothing I say or do or think or feel about the band should really impact your enjoyment of them unless I say something that allows you to hear them in a new way. IMHO, that's very unlikely to happen over an internet wire. That seems like a Friday night, friends in a car deal to me...
ondioline's post makes me glad that eloquent people are still listening to music. I didn't base my decision to not like the arcade fire at all on the snobbery of some fans I’ve met, that's just an added negative. I've heard from many people that "if you don't like the arcade fire, you don't know what good music is." and i just think to myself, if that narrow point of view is a stipulation to enjoying this band's music...then i don't want to. and honestly after giving their album a few listens i really wasn't thoroughly impressed after all the hype I’ve heard, and to be honest wouldn't be impressed if there was no hype and it was just a new cd i popped in. it just doesn't resonate with me, o with it kiddies
All opinions on the music or anything else we post are welcome here, positive or negative. We know that not everyone's fancy will be tickled by everything we put up. If everyone liked everything I like, I'd get sick of it and probably wouldn't like it anymore. So jd, your opinions are always welcome here. And ondioline, I commend your superior taste.
exactly, opinions are more than welcome because taste in music wouldn't exist without offending opinions. i'm sorry to be so negative and actually start an extensive discussion on this site, but i just felt a need to finally vent on my dis-taste for arcade fire. i love all your other stuff on the smudge though guys keep it up. how about some blind willie johnson on this guyer? the blues wouldn't hurt...also i'm diggin on alot of jimmy smith's organ right about now...keep up the good work, always reading (and listening)
You got it, jd. Classic blues is something we can all agree on. I'll probably be posting mostly blues and jazz for the next six weeks while I'm away from my home, and stuck with a dial-up connection. I think Blind Willie might just be next up.
not to be like... all about me...but is 12 comments like a smudge record or something? :-D
I don't think so...I think we got up to something around 20 once, right, Keoki? Back when we used to talk politics and social issues and such nonsense. Now people pretty much just come here and download and roll, like ninjas at dusk. A lot of ninjas, though. I think 12 comments is the most we've had in a while. Well, 13 now, and counting!
Af is definately different an suprising that I like them. But I think its one of those, the more you listen to it the more you like it bands. I'm still not a die hard fan but I do enjoy a song or 2 throughout my day. As for Blues and Jazz, you know I don't agree on that!
Exactly right, rc666. The more I listened to Funeral, the more I loved it. It also helps to have seen them live, no?
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