Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Never thought I'd do it!!


This weeks food review post is brought to you courtesy of my lady love Sugarduck! I promised her this week that we would try the infamous Gingerbread Latte from Starbucks. Now now for those who know your Uncle Tom, Starbucks is generally off limits. Often times too bitter to even look at let alone consume your Uncle Tom tries to avoid any intestinal distress related to coffee consumption. But a promise is a promise and it is too hard to say no to the one that you love. We found a local Barnes and Noble/Starbucks in Rockville, made our order and it was then that I was able to try this famed concoction. ONE WORD..... DELICIOUS AND AMAZING (okay that's two words, but it's that damned good I tell you). The gingerbread flavor mixed with the milk was perfect. I can certainly see how it can become addicting, especially if you happen to live near a Starbucks and unless you live in Appalachia there are at least 217 Starbucks located within 2 miles of your home. If you do live in Appalachia, can you tell us more about the Blue People? I would accept any sort of information that you can pass on. Since I am left without my usual work companions this week, I don't know if I will get to any other food review. I hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving!!

-Uncle Tom

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